ConfuserEx-reborn is an free, open-source protector for .NET applications. It is the successor of ConfuserEx project.

Screenshot of Command-line interface Command-line interface
Screenshot of Graphical interface Graphical interface


ConfuserEx supports .NET Framework from 2.0 - 4.5 and Mono (and other .NET platforms if enough request!). It supports most of the protections you’ll find in commerical protectors, and some more!

  • Symbol renaming
  • WPF/BAML renaming
  • Control flow obfuscation
  • Method reference hiding
  • Anti debuggers/profilers
  • Anti memory dumping
  • Anti tampering (method encryption)
  • Embedding dependency
  • Constant encryption
  • Resource encryption
  • Compressing output
  • Extensible plugin API

Assembly loaded in ILSpy before protection Before protection
Assembly loaded in ILSpy after protection After protection


You could obtain the latest source code at the GitHub project page. You may find the bleeding edge builds at the CI Server. ConfuserEx requires only .NET Framework 3.5 to run. It might be helpful to read the FAQ!


ConfuserEx is licensed under MIT license, so you’re free to fork and modify it to suit your need! You could also contribute to the project by creating pull requests and reporting bugs!


If you find ConfuserEx-Reborn is useful to you, feel free to support the project by making a donation!

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